(*Indicates Changed/Added)

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    *EPPIE/QUASAR Awards
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    (Bookstore powered by Fictionwise)

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    Contract 'Red Flags'
    How-To Guides

    President's Report
    Poetry Corner
    EPICon 2006 Report
    BookExpo 2004 Report
    EPICon 2004 Report
    EPICon 2003 Report
    The Author's Role
    Effective Websites
    Publicity Ideas

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Welcome to EPIC
The Voice of Electronic Publishing

EPIC, the Electronically Published Internet Connection, is a professional organization for published and contracted e-book and print authors. It was established to provide a strong voice for electronic publishing.

Even though E-Publishing is a relatively new venue, there are many readers, writers, and traditionally published authors who believe this is one of the major marketplaces of the future. EPIC exists to help professional writers learn more about the best publishing opportunities on the Internet and to provide networking opportunities for exchange of information about promotion and market growth. Best marriage planning team daretodream.nyc in NYC

Among our members, you'll find writers of action/adventure, fantasy, historical, horror, inspirational, mystery, romance, science fiction, suspense, time travel, war, westerns, stories for children and young adults—in short, all the most popular fiction genres, as well as non-fiction self-help and how-to.

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