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Author Services    

Author Services

For our EPIC members and visitors to this site, we're listing individuals and companies that offer services that authors and publishers may find useful, such as editors, cover artists, marketing products, publicists, etc.

To be included in this listing, please send your information to the webmaster.

Inclusion in this list is not an endorsement by EPIC, its officers, or its members, of the individual or company, and there is no warranty or guarantee expressed herein. We offer these listings as a benefit to membership and it is up to the individual purchasing any services or products to insure that they are satisfied. "Let the Buyer Beware!"

EPIC members may list their services or products on this page for no cost. Non-EPIC members may contact the webmaster for inclusion rates.

Editing Services

Book Editing Service offered by EPIC Member Dr Bob Rich

I have been offering a freelance editing service since the middle of 1999, and have worked on several hundred books in that time. Please visit the link above for specific details and pricing.

EPIC Member Carole Spencer Offers Freelance Editing

Carole, editor employed in the industry, offers editing for pre- and published authors. She provides knowledge by working directly in your document using the comment feature and inserting suggestions. She tailors each edit to the writing skill level of the client. The link above provides testimonials and pricing.

Team Spirit Critique and Editing, LLC offers a full range of services to writers seeking to improve their craft. Editors, publishers and agents agree, obtaining a critique before the submission process provides a non-biased view of your work. We offer critiques and a wide range of editing packages via e-mail or mail. (Electronic format preferred). Visit our website at www.teamspiritediting.com.

Cindy Appel Editorial Services

Thank you so much! I loved all of your comments. You are an angel. You have no idea how much this helps me... I just have this story I want to tell, and you have helped me tremendously. —Audrey

"What's wrong with my manuscript?" is a question I hear/read frequently. My answer, "I don't know. You have to let me read it. Only then can I tell you."

My qualifications? I've been a professional manuscript evaluator, in-depth critiquer, copyeditor and book reviewer for over six years now. Yes, people actually pay me to read their manuscripts and tell them what's working and what isn't. I've even helped a few land some great publishing contracts. It's a great feeling.

I'm willing to do the same for you. Contact me at [email protected] with the words "Editorial Services" in the subject line. Tell me what you need help with and I will tell you what I charge for that service.

(At this time, I will only accept payment through Paypal or you can snail mail me a money order--sorry no personal checks. Thank you.)

Publishing is a tough business. You can't afford to waste an editor's or agent's valuable time. Get your book in shape! Contact me today.

Carol Guy, EPIC author, offers freelance editing services.

My rates are very reasonable. Free quotes. It is my mission to assist authors in producing work of the highest quality. Contact me at [email protected] for more information or go to my website.

Book Cover Artwork, Illustrations, and Web Design

Book Cover Art, Illustrations and Web Design by Jo Dunningham

I am a UK based freelance artist / designer. Whether you are looking for a web page for promotion or need artwork/designs for a cover (print or e-books) or to illustrate your project, I can work with you to help find just what YOU need and within YOUR budget.

As a qualified ICT teacher, if you prefer I can show you how to create and maintain your own website or how to create your own designs...the choice is yours!

Samples of my work can be seen at http://www.dunningham.be You can contact me at [email protected] or you can contact me via Skype (same email address or just search for Jo Dunningham)

Promotion Groups

EPIC Member Jude Morris, owner/manager of the Books We Love author promotion group.

Books We Love is an author promotion group that seeks to maximize individual author promotion funds. We collect an annual membership fee, and use the monies for promotions during the year. We hold ongoing contests and give out prizes, we buy ads with various sites, like Scribes World, Book Crazy Radio, Mysterious Intent, Working Moms, etc. we purchase targeted traffic programs, key words and banners, etc. Our main page displays rotating GIFs of all of our author members books,as well as features new releases and links to BWL author pages, and contests, etc.

Our current contest uses guest book signings to encourage readers to visit member pages.

We design a page for all books we love authors and include them in all the appropriate indexes, as well as the indexes found at Authors We Love.

The information for joining as well as a brief overview can be found our site.


If you are frustrated with your lack of success finding a publisher...if you've looked into companies that will publish your book for you and been appalled at what they charge...if you wish you better understood what the new printing and ebook technologies meant in terms of your options...then this little book can help. Author Diane Lau (aka Diana Laurence) gives the whole scoop on how she published her titles through her own small publishing house, and tells how you can too.

Do-It-YourSelf-Publishing is a step-by-step blueprint through the entire process, to help you decide if this approach is right for you, and guide you to valuable resources that will enable you to become your own publisher. From estimating your costs to finding out the skills you need and how to acquire them, you'll learn how a previously published author found a more enjoyable and profitable way to sell her books: by publishing herself.

You can purchase Do-It-YourSelf-Publishing from Living Beyond Reality Press or your favorite online ebook retailer including Amazon. 50 pages in Adobe Reader (pdf) format, with color illustrations, the book retails for $2.99. For complete information visit www.dianalaurence.com/diyp.html.

HomeBasedDesign—owned and operated by Marjorie Jones

As an author, Marjorie Jones knows the barriers to promoting oneself and one's work. One of those barriers, cost, can be mitigated ... at least when it comes to website design. HomeBasedDesign offers a variety of packages for every budget, from a fully comprehensive starter site, to more in-depth, larger, interactive sites. Prices range from 99.00 (4 pages) to 499.00 (10 pages). Don't let excessive design fees keep you from having a professional website.

Hosting Packages: Do you already design your own site, but you're plagued with pop-ups and advertising because you haven't found an affordable hosting service? HomeBasedDesign can set you up with hosting for as little as 50.00 per year. HomeBasedDesign also offers domain name registration. With midlevel hosting packages your domain name is included!

To find out more, please email [email protected] . Ask Marjorie about her "Send Me To Romantic Times" Specials!

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